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Image by Robert Nelson

What is Hypnotherapy?​


a form of therapy that uses hypnosis, a trance-like state of deep relaxation, to help individuals make positive changes in their lives. During hypnotherapy, the individual is guided into a state of deep relaxation by a trained therapist, who then makes suggestions to the individual's subconscious mind to help them overcome negative thoughts and behaviors, or to accomplish specific goals - whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.


The power of hypnotherapy lies in its ability to access and influence the unconscious mind, which is the source of many of our behaviours and habits. By making positive suggestions to the unconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help individuals make lasting changes in their lives.


Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, phobias, pain management, and addiction. But most importantly, hypnotherapy enables us to reconnect to our hearts by decluttering the mind and tapping us back into who we truly are.

Hypnotherapy Treatments


Whether you are feeling called to shift your mental, physical, emotional or spiritual state, hypnotherapy can help in a potent way that most modalities cannot.


Hypnotherapy is different from other forms of therapy in that it specifically targets the unconscious mind, which is believed to be the source of many behaviors and habits that are difficult to change through conscious effort alone. While other therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or psychoanalytic therapy, may also involve discussing and working through unconscious thoughts and behaviors, hypnotherapy tends to place a stronger emphasis on the use of hypnosis as a means of accessing and influencing the unconscious mind. It can also be combined with spiritual practices as well if that is something an individual desires.


There are many holistic benefits to hypnotherapy, including:

  • Relief of symptoms: Hypnotherapy can be effective in the treatment of a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms, including pain, anxiety, phobias, and addiction.

  • Improvement of performance: Hypnotherapy can help individuals improve their performance in a variety of areas, such as sports, public speaking, and memory.

  • Overcoming negative habits and behaviors: Hypnotherapy can be used to help individuals overcome negative habits and behaviors, such as procrastination or overeating.

  • Increased self-awareness: The trance-like state induced by hypnotherapy can help individuals gain greater insight into their thoughts and behaviors, leading to increased self-awareness.

  • Increased relaxation: The deep relaxation induced by hypnotherapy can help individuals reduce stress and improve their overall sense of well-being.

  • Safe and non-invasive: Hypnotherapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment option, with few side effects.


Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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