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Image by Robert Nelson

Sessions & Packages


Inner Balance Therapy offers you a range of hypnotherapy sessions and packages that are flexible to your needs. If you're wanting a taster of hypnotherapy, then you can head for one of the single session options. If you're committed to journeying into the world of hypnotherapy and experiencing a radical transformation and return to your own authentic heart in the process, then take a look at the package options.

Image by Damon On Road

60min Activation Session

This is for those who are crystal clear on what they want to change and crave a swift, potent experience with hypnotherapy. It is also perfect for those who do not yet know, and are seeking to activate an awareness of what they want to change. It's the perfect option for you if you're not quite ready to commit to a package but desire to see how we gel as a team.


In this quick session, we will first create a space of safety so that we may identify your goals with hypnotherapy. This is critical as we move into the latter portion of the session, where hypnosis will take place. That's where the magic happens.


Investment: $244

Image by David Brooke Martin

90min Hypnotherapy Journey

The 90 minute sessions are more customisable since we will dive deeper into the layers of who you truly are and what you authentically desire. This is about reaching the heart, not the mind and is perfect for those who not only want to release something but also deck out that fresh space with renewed self love and confidence.


This journey is personally tailored to the individual, where you can expect to uncover and transmute deeper layers of trauma that you may not have explored before. By holistically covering the complexity of your inner world, ailments are easier to eliminate. This is essential to creating sustainable change.


Investment: $366

Image by Darius Bashar

The Recalibrate Package

x3 90 Minute Sessions for $999

This package is for the individual who is committed to change but also knows they need support along the way. It's perfect for shifting ailments like weight loss, addictions, anxiety or even IBS. Within a package like this, we can build new neural pathways that make change easeful and simple. The Recalibrate Package is also designed for those with layered trauma that simply need more time to be shifted. 
You can expect a total recalibration of who you are. This package comes with comprehensive tracking of results and changes, meaning we can tailor the journey as we progress. You will learn a variety of self-sufficient tools to use outside of our sessions while at the same time feeling deeply held in the sanctuary of space we create together. This sanctuary is safe for you to reveal your authenticity, something that so many people bury in everyday life. And authenticity is precisely what leads to the long-term changes you will experience from this package.


The Ascenscion Package

x6 90 Minute Sessions for $1950


This is for those who have multiple realms of life they'd like to shift, whether physical or emotional. It's for the individual who craves to feel safe, accountable and championed as they welcome change.


The Ascension Package connects you to your heart and soul, quieting the lizard brain that would once have talked you out of transforming. The beauty of this package is that you have a hypnotherapist who can support you as issues rise, not months later. 
Expect to ascend. Expect to build a thriving sense of self-compassion and love that only propels you closer to being the version of yourself that you've always dreamed of. 


You can expect the confidence and ability to move through challenges that arise from life easefully. And you're not doing it alone, as the relationship and support we build in this package are profound.


If you have any questions about which option would be the best for you and your unique situation do not hesitate to reach out. You can find all contact options at the bottom of this page. â€‹

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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Single Sessions & Packages

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