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Hypnotherapy for
Weight Release​

Hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for helping people release weight and maintain a healthy weight. It can help people identify and address the underlying psychological and emotional factors that may be contributing to their weight gain, such as emotional eating or a lack of motivation to exercise. Excess weight can also be a deeper trauma response to other spiritual and mental blockages - like the fear of being seen or feeling unprotected. By working through these issues holistically in a relaxed and receptive state, we can make lasting changes to behaviors and habits that naturally release weight.


Hypnotherapy can support weight release by teaching people healthy coping mechanisms for managing cravings and stress. Many people turn to food as a means of coping with negative emotions or stress. Through hypnotherapy, the therapist can help the patient develop healthier coping mechanisms, such as deep breathing or visualization, which can help manage stressors in a more heart-centred, effective way. 


Finally, hypnotherapy can be used to help people develop a more positive and empowering relationship with food and their bodies. By working through negative beliefs and attitudes about food and body image, we can develop a more healthy and balanced relationship with ourselves and ultimately our weight.

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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