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Hypnotherapy for
Physical Ailments

Hypnotherapy can be helpful in managing a variety of physical issues, including chronic pain, digestive problems, IBS, and skin conditions. One reason hypnotherapy may be effective in addressing physical issues is that it can help people relax, which can reduce muscle tension and improve blood flow. This can help to alleviate pain and promote healing. Additionally, hypnotherapy can be used to help people develop healthy habits, such as exercising regularly or eating a nourishing diet, which can improve physical health and well-being.


Hypnotherapy also addresses the psychological and emotional factors that may be contributing to the problem. Many physical issues have a psychological component, such as stress, anxiety or trauma, that can exacerbate the problem. By addressing these underlying emotional issues through hypnotherapy, we can better manage their physical symptoms or remove them entirely by clearing the pain on an emotional level.


This tool is also deeply helpful in shifting attitudes and beliefs about physical health conditions which are critical to shifting their symptoms. For example, a person with chronic pain may believe that their condition is untreatable or that they are helpless to manage their pain. They might also believe that certain conditions protect them from being fully seen or active in their lives. Through hypnotherapy, the therapist can help you develop a more empowering perspective,

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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