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Hypnotherapy for
Behaviour Change​

Hypnotherapy can be effective in helping people change behaviours because it allows the therapist to access and influence the unconscious mind, which is believed to be the source of many behaviours and habits. During hypnotherapy, the therapist will guide the patient into a trance-like state and use suggestions to help the patient make positive changes in their behaviour. These suggestions may be aimed at replacing negative behaviors with positive ones, or helping the patient develop new habits or coping mechanisms.


Hypnotherapy can also help the patient identify and address the underlying psychological and emotional factors that may be contributing to their behavior, such as negative thought patterns or past traumas. By working through these issues in a relaxed and receptive state, the patient can make sustainable changes.


Another reason hypnotherapy is effective in changing behaviors is that it can help the patient develop a more autonomous and empowering perspective on their behavior and ability to change. This can be especially helpful for behaviours that may be deeply ingrained or difficult to change through conscious effort alone. By working through these issues in hypnosis, the patient can leverage the driving power of their unconscious mind rather than be dependent on willpower.


Potential behaviours many clients change include procrastination, anger issues, impulsivity, disorganization, substance abuse or addictions, self-sabotaging, overeating or even perfectionism.

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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