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Image by Robert Nelson

About Me​


I was born in Hungary, during a tumultuous time in the country’s history. Eventually I found myself in Australia, a country full of opportunity. My family and I assimilated and enjoyed what Australia had to offer: nature, safety, serenity. As a child, I remember being sporty, quirky, sensitive but also a child who held a lot of fear. 


But I also had a rich sense of curiosity, a thirst to understand how the world worked. The accumulation of trauma throughout my childhood and adulthood left life feeling incredibly challenging. It led to many years of disconnection, a clear imbalance between my masculine and feminine energy, and the harsh armouring of my heart. As a result I looked for external things to make me feel like I was home, safe, and happy within. When really, the essence of healing, would be creating that home within myself.


Fast forward, I found myself in a high-stress corporate job where my top priority was surviving. I’ve met a lot of a people in this environment, in this same state, who were also very much out of balance. When things start to break down all around you, your circumstances, your health, your relationships, you realise how disconnected you are from your real home: your body and your heart. You also realise that dearmouring is the journey that will lead you home.  


As a mother, I believe this work is even more important. To show our children how to lead by example. To show them how to live authentic and blissful lives not based on external circumstances, but by taking responsibility of your inner self: the self that will lead to the change you’re desiring.


Integrating this in my own life, I am now incredibly passionate about facilitating this ‘coming home’, this transformation within others via hypnotherapy and other activating modalities. When things are out of balance, whether physically or emotionally, the priority should be rebalancing our real home: our hearts. So that each of us may truly open up to the love that life, ourselves and others can offer us. 


Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip. Clinical Hyp. 5c)

Certified Gestalt Psychotherapy

Certified Practitioner of DeTrauma Technique (DTT)

Clinical Certified Resource Therapist

NLP & Life Coach Certified with John Maxwell Coach

QHHT Level 1 Practitioner


Hypnosis is a path into our heart's truth. Into a heart-centred life and way of being. A way past the clutter, confines and chaos of the mind so that we may live in alignment with our most authentic, realised selves.

Renata Maniatis

Image by Drew Dizzy Graham

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